I was inspired by another food blogger to create a TOP TEN list of favorite Fall dishes. WELL! I can’t FIT everything onto a Fall Top Ten list! I’ve had to create a Halloween Top Ten list and a Thanksgiving Top Ten List and a Christmas Top Ten List…as well as a Twelve Days of Christmas Cookies list! I’ve also had to group several recipes into a category in order to stay within the Top Ten List limit. Hmpff, but I am liking this. I see lots of Top Ten Lists in my future, our future! And I guess in my dear Ratty’s future, too. Look, she made a poll based on this Top Ten List! Be sure to vote. Isn’t this fun?!
So, without any further ado, my Top Ten Fall Recipes for 2010. Enjoy!
1. Soup: Soup, soup and more soup! Butternut Squash Soup, Baked Potato Soup, Beef Stew, Chili… The new addition to my recipe collection this year is “Baked Potato Soup” Love it! I’ll post the recipe tomorrow, and I’ll make sure I get the Butternut Squash Soup recipe posted soon too. (It has a cider cream topping…MMmmmMMmmm)
2. Roasted Veggies: All of them! Squash, yams, cauliflower, carrots, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, zucchini, broccoli, onions… Cut veggie into pieces. Coat lightly with olive oil. Place on rimmed cookie sheet. Roast in HOT oven (450 degrees or higher) until those delightful bits of brown appear (10 to 20 minutes, depending on the veggie). Turn the veggies over once, about half way through the cooking time. When cooked drain on a paper towel, sprinkle with Maldon Sea Salt. Serve. Moan.
3. Blasted Sausages and Grapes: It’s here, it’s posted! It’s different. It’s easy to make. I love it. This recipe can be served in celebration of the Grape Harvest and Octoberfest! There are not too many recipes that can do that particular double duty!
4. ALL things Gingerbread: I have lots of gingerbread yumminess on both the Halloween and Thanksgiving list, soooo, on THIS list I have Gingerbread Biscotti… On a cool fall night. With a warm cup of decaf or my home mixed Chai (the most disliked recipe I posted in 2009, but I like it!)… MMmmmmm. I’ll bake some Gingerbread Biscotti soon, take a picture, and post the recipe. Check back often. You won’t want to miss this biscotti.
5. Oatmeal: Oatmeal Cookies. Oatmeal Topping on Apple Crisp and on Pear Crisp. Breakfast Oatmeal with cream and brown sugar. I am still looking for the definitive Oatmeal Cookie recipe. I tried several recipes last fall, but nothing ‘just right’ yet. I’ll keep working on this (fueled by breakfasts of Oatmeal with cream and brown sugar and stewed apples or pears, of course). BTW, number five, Oatmeal, often walks hand-in-hand with six or seven. They are so good together!
6. Apples: All things apple. Caramel Apples are on the Halloween list, and apple pie is on the Thanksgiving list, so for this fall list I include all the other apple recipes…apple cake, apple muffins, apple pie…and the previously mentioned, Apple Crisp (with Oatmeal Topping)
7. Pears: Drunken Pear Crisp, one of my favorite recipes posted in 2009. It’s so grown up and so delicious. (It’s posted on my “Polly, Julie and Julia” page on Facebook). I’ll move it over here PDQ. And all other things Pear, too: Pear Pie, Double Decker Pear Bread but by far, my favorite, a box of ripe Royal Riviera Pears from Harry and David.
8. Mashed Potatoes with Sage and Cheddar: It’s the perfect season for this creamy potato casserole. It’s so yummy that I can’t rate it high enough. I’ll be transfering the recipe over from my “Polly, Julie and Julia” page on Facebook.
9. Muffins & Quick Breads: The oven can be turned on again! Heat the house and bake, a very green thing to do! I love my Cracked Sugar Pumpkin Muffins. I’ll move that recipe over from my “Polly, Julie and Julia” page, too. (I LOVE pumpkin. My other favorite pumpkin recipes, and I have a lot of them, are on my Halloween and Thanksgiving Top Ten Lists.)
10. Home baked Bread: I HAVE to post about the bread and the bread making method from “Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day“. Everyone I have shown this method to LOVES it. Now’s the time! Homemade bread with dinner, any night you want! Nothing says Fall more than home baked bread. Nothing…and believe me when I say that you will be astounded at how easy it’s going to be to have dough in your refrigerator ready to bake up whenever you want! I’ll have to get working on that. Lots of pictures to take…while I get that in order, hope you can start on numbers 1-9.
Drat. Casseroles. I forgot a whole category….oh well, this year’s list will focus on Soups, Homebaked Bread, and Dessert. Maybe I will make a Top Ten Favorite Casserole Recipes List someday.
Thanks for stopping by my kitchen today. I’m looking forward to your comments, the results of Ratty’s poll, and to cooking with you all season long. (Scroll down to the very bottom of the left hand column) Happy Fall!